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Puppy lovin' dog days: Westminster's Best in Show is back at Madison Square Garden

11+ hour, 7+ min ago — 

...longtime home, Madison Square Garden in Midtown Manhattan, for its... ...The hosting Westminster Kennel Club opted for early May dates at...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Biodiversity in Wisconsin amidst the 6th great mass extinction

12+ hour, 20+ min ago — 

...Paul White, a DNR ecologist studying mammals with a specialty in... ...In Grant County, populations of Indiana bats were found hibernating... ...Emily Latch, a professor of biodiversity genomics at UW-Milwaukee... ...s going to take, not just the next generation,” he told Wisconsin Examiner...

favicon si.com > college > wisconsin > basketball

Wisconsin moves up in latest men’s college basketball rankings

18+ hour, 9+ min ago — 

...7, Oregon 5, VCU 2, Utah State 2, Drake 1, Baylor 1, UC San Diego... ...59, Louisville 53, New Mexico 40, Drake 21, Saint Mary's 20, Utah...

favicon nj.com > highschoolsports

Top-seeded Caldwell wraps up Madison for N2G2 quarterfinals win - Wrestling recap

11+ hour, 5+ min ago — 

...Ben Lattimer (157), Andrew Fonseca (165), Michael Mignone (285),... ...County Technical Institute in Wayne, NJ on Tuesday, January 7, 2025...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Rinker wants to make change in Madison County GOP operations

20+ hour, 58+ min ago — 

...ANDERSONLisa Rinker wants to make changes in how the Madison County... ...Aukerman, a strong supporter of the Madison County Tea Party, currently... ...“I am committed to serving Madison County in the leadership role... ...Gardner in an announcement said he has been involved with the Republican...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Federal funding freeze impacts medical research efforts at UW-Madison

21+ hour, 3+ min ago — 

...A Beverly Hills man has been convicted of two murders and ...... ...While most NFL superstars splash out big for megamansions, Philadelphia...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Wisconsin bill to ban cellphones in school

13+ hour, 9+ min ago — 

...A Wisconsin bill is being considered that would call for districts...


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